3 wastewater treatment plants in the towns of Jemmal, Médenine and Tatouine
The project concerns three STEP in Jemmal, Médenine and Tatouine. The mission includes the execution design of the civil engineering works of these 3 treatment plants.
Each treatment plant is made up of the following structures:
- Main lifting station (D = 4.5m; h = 4.95m);
- Pretreatment ( = 5m; h = 6.6m);
- Aeration basin (56x38m; h = 5.2m);
- Clarifier (26.6m; h = 3.3m)
- Sludge recirculation station (h max 4m);
- Metering of treated water;
- Sludge thickener (13.30m; h = 7.87m);
- Drying beds (27mm x 25.5m);
- All water post;
- Operating building (14x10 in R + 1);
- Official room (100m2 covered).
Services performed
Execution design