Rail link to the deep water port of Enfidha
The 10 km linear project linking the Enfidha station to the future deep-water port includes:
- The creation of a railway platform with two traffic lanes.
- The construction of a protective dike with a length of 5 km.
- Construction of four beam bridges:
- Oued Moussa crossing structure at the exit of the Enfidha station consisting of three spans with a total length of 40 m.
- Railroad leveling structure at the level of the RN1 national road built with four spans with a total length of 79 m
- Wadi El Brek crossing structure with a total length of 57 m including three spans.
- Railroad leveling structure at the level of the A1 motorway comprising four spans with a total length of 83 m.
Services performed
Preliminary design Studies: APS, APD and DAO
National Company of Tunisian Railways - SNCFT
Central Directorate of the Railway Sector