
Project management

As a consultant, CETA's approach is based on supporting project owners throughout the construction period. Our mission consists of checking and approving tender documents and execution plans, continuous monitoring of work, assistance to the administration in the various obstacles encountered during execution, proposing new solutions.

Studies and design

As a designer and creator of a project, CETA's approach is mainly based on listening to the requirements of the clients and the current situation of the project's assessment. Our mission consists of researching and analyzing the various possible variants of the development, carrying out economic studies, environmental and social assessment, the detailed technical design, and preparing the call for tenders documents.

Execution design

As responsible for the execution designs, CETA's approach is based on supporting companies during the duration of the construction's execution. Our mission consists of verifying the tender document, developing detailed designs for the execution of the work, and establishment of built drawings at the end of the project.

Flagship Projects

CETA - Pont Echangeur Radès- la Goulette - OUVRAGES DE LA RAMPE C

Radès- la Goulette Interchange Bridge - RAMP C WORKS

Prolongement de l’Autoroute du Nord en Côte d’Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire

Extension of the Autoroute in the north of Côte d'Ivoire

Autoroute Oued Zarga – Boussalem

Oued Zarga - Boussalem highway

CETA - Travaux de Construction de l’Echangeur X2-GP10 : Viaducs en béton précontraint

Construction works of the X2-GP10 interchange: Prestressed concrete viaducts

Liaison de Tataouine à l’Autoroute A1 dans les Gouvernorats de Tataouine et Médenine

Link from Tataouine to the A1 motorway in the Governorates of Tataouine and Medenine

CETA - Etudes architecturales et techniques détaillées, dans le cadre du Projet d’Extension de l’Institut National Supérieur des Sciences et Techniques d’Abéché

Detailed architectural and technical studies, within the framework of the Extension Project of the National Higher Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Abéché

CETA - Réhabilitation des infrastructures de l’aérodrome international de Djerba Zarzis

Rehabilitation of the infrastructures of the international aerodrome of Djerba Zarzis

CETA - Réhabilitation de la ligne ferroviaire N°6

Rehabilitation of railway line N°6

Rocade ouest de Médenine

The western ring road of Medenine

International footprint

Firmly established in Tunisia, CETA Engineering has been seeking for several years to develop its activities internationally and in particular in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, with initial successes in several countries such as Mauritania, Togo, Chad, Libya, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Benin and The Gambia.


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